What is VISIA Skin Analysis?
The VISIA Skin Analysis is a high quality facial imaging system that shows an in-depth analysis on your individual facial characteristics. The images and printed report provided by the VISIA Skin Analysis can be used to guide and progress your skin to be healthier, younger-looking, and more evenly complected.
How does the VISIA Skin Analysis work?
The VISIA Skin Analysis device scans your skin and captures key visuals from the surface into the deeper layers of your skin. The multi-point positioning system and live image overlay capture images and can document progress over time. The VISIA Skin Analysis can detect brown/red spots, acne scars, hyper-pigmentation, vascular lesions, pores, wrinkles, texture, porphyrins (bacterial excretions in pores that can lead to acne), UV spots, red areas.
What can I expect during my appointment?
Our Magnolia Dermatology staff will comfortably sit you in front of the VISIA system, and the process of scanning your face will begin. The device will capture images of left, right, and frontal facial views. It only takes minutes to process, so your images will be available to view right away. Our doctors will be able to walk through your images and a skin treatment plan tailored to your needs and skin goals.
How much is VISIA Skin Analysis?
VISIA Skin Analysis is free with any skin consultation! Call to schedule your appointment today, 601-910-3004.